Self Assessment

I fell my blogs do not meet some of the criteria mainly meeting the word count. At first I didn't know that there was a word count but once I read the rubric I tried to to meet the goal. But it is still a little harder for me to meet the goal. The only thing that creates stress for me is trying to meet and exceed the word count. Everything else is alright to understand and write about. I am putting my best efforts to the assignments and blog post it is just I haven't really done blog post before this class. I do look and go over my blogs before I post but I do not tend to look at it after because I do not want to look at it again after so I can focus on the next thing. I really do not care about others seeing my blog post its just that I do not want to come across as insensitive of any group of people. The only thing I have really learned that I did not know before was that a lot of blogs are posted in a day I think it was around 4 million when I check last and that's pre...